Tag Archives: Owensboro Medical Health System

Take it slow in Get Movin’ challenge

I thought about joining a team for the Get Movin’ 2011 challenge, a 12-week competition to improve the health of Owensboro area residents, but realized I don’t stand much of a chance of winning.

The nuts and bolts of the challenge are as follows — Form a team of from 2 to 10 people, exercise daily (hopefully), add up everyone’s time running, walking, cycling, etc., and log the average on the Owensboro Medical Health System’s website.

The team with the best average in its category wins at the conclusion of the three-month competition that starts Jan. 1, 2011.

The problem with my situation is that I run about 4 to 5 times a week, 4 miles a day. I don’t go very fast, but I keep track of my time and always try to do better than the day before. But my approach to exercise would drag down my prospective team’s average.

For example, if I run 4 miles in 36 minutes on Monday, but feel great on Tuesday and run it in 35 minutes, I hurt my team by logging lesser exercise time, even though the faster run benefits me personally.

As far as the Get Movin’ challenge is concerned, I’d do more good for my team if I walked 4 miles a day because that would be about an hour of exercise, rather than a 35-minute run covering the same distance.

Better yet, I should walk 4 miles on my hands. That would take about 18 hours a day to complete.

But enough silliness. The Get Movin’ challenge is really directed toward people who have no regular exercise habits. Give up a half-hour (or an hour) of mindless TV, and that bowl of chips, and get walking. And the best way to do that is with a team because there’s camaraderie and motivation within the group dynamic.

Plus, Americans like to keep compete and keep score. (The challenge registration ends Dec. 12, so get moving to http://www.omhs.org).

For those who exercise regularly, keep doing what you’re doing, but you don’t need to try to “win” the Get Movin’ challenge. You’re already ahead of the game.

Hot dog! Groundbreaking another milestone for new hospital

The official groundbreaking for Owensboro Medical Health System’s new hospital at its Daniels Lane property appeared to go off without a hitch on Saturday.

The 5K run/walk drew one of the largest fields for a race in the Owensboro area with 1,100 participants. Had the event not been held on the same weekend as the state high school track meet, the field probably would’ve been even bigger.

About half of the runners and walkers completed the event and boarded the shuttle back to the starting line where they parked their cars, missing out on the speeches and dirt turning by state and local officials.

OMHS offered post-race refreshments. Ironically, one of the treats was free hot dogs, not exactly the healthiest of foods, although it’s as American as mom and apple pie.

If you’re a fan of building ceremonies such as these, get ready to mark your calendar. According to OMHS spokeswoman Barbara Taylor, there will be a “topping out” event, probably next year.

A topping out is when the last beam is placed on top of a building, a tree or leafy branch is placed there, too, sometimes with flags and streamers tied to it. Also, a toast may be offered. The tradition began in Europe.

And, of course, when the new hospital opens its doors in 2013, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony.